
Suomen paintball-skenen kohtauspaikka

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#1 Re: Yleinen » Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista » 2002-02-14 16:50:08


I think you shouldnt be so amezed about this mess, beacuse you made it. And the problem is that you didnt do it good.

**"What did I do? I would really like to know this? Are you seriously thinking that I did something to make you lose? If that would be possible why on earth I haven’t done it from Finnkampen I ?"

You dont get it do you?
You had the training or 3.-man or whatever you want to call it prior to the event. You were standing on the sidline cheering "your team" when they drawed against Joy2.
You hired the reffs that came from participating teams.
You made this bed buddy and you are responsible for it.

The swedish teams dont think you made them lose the games, but alot of teams think that the reffs that you hired made them lose very imortant games.
The Swedish teams dont think it was fair that they couldnt play prior to the event like some finnish teams did.
And the Swedish teams didnt like to see reffs and you cheer when they lost games to finnish teams.
And dont doubt that I have the support from the swedish teams, I do.

**"No they did not, on Friday Paintball Games Finland organized a 3-man tournament and 9 teams participated in it. The tournament was open for everyone including Swedish teams. It was no secret"

Juice? They did not? so a 3-man tournament is not practice?
But then you say the something very strange. That the 3-man was open to everybody! Okey tell me witch teams did get that information from you? Or I make it simple for you. Show me where on the internet that you gave that information prior to the 3-man. A easy way to show your right.

Marshalls from participating teams.
Tell me any other event that have team members reffing there own teams. If this was done before at Finnkampen then it was wrong to. But if you had for some reason use reffs from participating teams shouldnt be a order like "dont huge and give hi fives when your team win" ?? Or replace team reffs when the team play??

About the seedings. I did ask about it on saturday but I think I forgot to get it beacuse it was this situation with TnT-Camp when we where about to leave.
It Doesnt matter all I ask for is that I get it now so I can check out what system you used as i find it strange that no:1 and no:2 scooring teams ended up in the same division.

**"Marshals hugged each other after everything was clear, the game was “over”. If we really try to remember the atmosphere on field after that game it’s understandable to make this mistake, which however doesn’t mean that marshals were biased."

Juice its never okey that the marhalls huge each other..period! If they do they are baised, its as simple as that. And its also very stupid beacuse whatever happend then the loosing team will THINK that they have been cheated. I cant understand that you dont see that?

About the marhalls next year I think Simon already answered that.

Juice i have talked to at least 6 different Finish teams about this mess. What pisses me of that the mistakes that was made is ignored. That means that they will not be fixed and that is not acceptable.

This is not my personal problem as we lost 1 game to takeover and they didnt do anything wrong. I know beacuse we had the our other team wathing the game and all the calls was good.
I also want to stress that takeover and Cyclone and the other teams that made the finals is not to blame. Im not accusing them for anything.

the problem is that

1. You had a event prior to the finnkampen
( all is good when we see that you actuelly invited or informed teams about it)
2. You had reffs from teams playing
3. The reffs did not respect the swedish teams.

**"I have to say that I really didn’t see this coming. Not after you smiled and shook my hand and congratulated on job well done. Now I feel a knife on my back, hopefully the wound will heal before next time."

First of all i didnt want to start this discussion when we had alot of people outside the sport wathing the price cermony. Secondly almost all information about reffs, practice etc I heard after all was over.

Now its up to you to restore your trust with the swedish teams. What you and me think about each other is not important at all.

Magued Idris

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