
Suomen paintball-skenen kohtauspaikka

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#1 Re: Turnaukset » Talviliiga 2004 » 2004-03-28 08:43:28

Thanks to All for a great tournament moments!
Thanks to Players, Reffs, Organizators and sponsors!
We all get a good paintball time and new friends wink
We will meet again soon...

P.S. there is some photos from tournament http://paintball.x-zone.lv/modules.php? ... mine&cat=3

#2 Re: Turnaukset » Talviliiga 2004 » 2004-02-04 10:32:34

Mercy, Tommy!
Hope to meet with you somewhere on European fields wink

Chilli Peppers

#3 Re: Turnaukset » Talviliiga 2004 » 2004-02-04 04:39:51

Thanks to ALL Teams for the great sporting atmosphere on a tournament!
All Teams well skilled and has shawn us a hudge runthrue kills, nice bunkerings, perfect snapshots and many, many else...
Chilli Peppers guess to come once more to give ALL TEAMS a chance to kick our asses back! ;o)
Thank you, and see ya soon!

Chilli Peppers

#4 Re: Yleinen » help with banned IP » 2004-01-25 23:26:40

Does anyone able to help me with reopening banned I.P. adress on Paintball related hub @ paintball.gotdns.com ???
Big Thanx!

#5 Re: Turnaukset » Talviliiga 2004 » 2003-12-31 07:58:12

We are team CHILLI PEPPERS from Riga(Latvia).
We are looking for information about tournaments in Finland for 2004. With possible participation at any on yours tournament in AMdivision...
Please inform us here or dont be confuse to send me e-mail!
Thank you!
Happy New Year!
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