Et ole kirjautuneena.
I would like to see it as an alternative to the 1 Div for example. Lets say we set the ranking after this years league:
Team X 1000 pts
Team Y 900 pts
Team Z 800 pts
Now, if team DMZ beats team Y in one game, DMZ gets 50% of a percentage (let say 10) of 900 pts. (or 70% of the percentage if it is 7-man)
Points are valid 12 months or 9 or whatever, after that they dissappear.
This would mean that any tournament that is \"certified\" by SPBL or NPPL/Millennium would count into the ranking. It would also mean we could re-organize the whole league and not having the problem with moving teams up and 7-man vs 5-man. It would require a decent final round of all tournaments so that you always meet enough of the best teams (and get enough points) if you win a tournament.
Siis vähän ton tyyppine ratkasu, ku toi Hasse kuvaili on World Series, jossa tiimien rankkausta lasketaan kansainvälisesti ja siihen vaikuttaa nppl (tai mikä tää on nykyän???) ja millenium sijotusten ohella yksittäiset skabat ja niiden joukkue määrät, eli mitä enemmän joukkueita sitä arvokkaampi voitto on World Series pisteissä. Ja ne skabat oli jaettu tyyliin: GrandTournament yms... eli esim. millemiumin PRO-lohkon voitosta sai enemmän pojoi kun Turun ZAP 5-mänin voitosta.
Edellä mun sönkkäämä systeemi ei ole ihan niin kehittynyt kuin Hassen kuvailema, mutta kuulostaa mun mielestä helpommalta idealta toteuttaa kuin Hassen idea... siis JOS tommonen suomipuska peinttiin tulee.
Ja koska oon taas ihan yössä niin joku fiksu voisi selittää mullekin miten toi World Series pisteytys lasketaan, koska epäilen, että oon taas skrivaillu mitä sattuu.
Iippo / One
Iippo / Los Bastardos
Hasse-DMZ kirjoitti 23.05.2002 klo 14:49:32:
I would like to see it as an alternative to the 1 Div for example. Lets say we set the ranking after this years league:
Team X 1000 pts
Team Y 900 pts
Team Z 800 ptsNow, if team DMZ beats team Y in one game, DMZ gets 50% of a percentage (let say 10) of 900 pts. (or 70% of the percentage if it is 7-man)
Points are valid 12 months or 9 or whatever, after that they dissappear.
This would mean that any tournament that is "certified" by SPBL or NPPL/Millennium would count into the ranking. It would also mean we could re-organize the whole league and not having the problem with moving teams up and 7-man vs 5-man. It would require a decent final round of all tournaments so that you always meet enough of the best teams (and get enough points) if you win a tournament.
Hetkinen...let's see, so what you are suggesting is that "everyone should play everyone" and there would be no distinct 1st div or league in Finland? How would this ranking work in non-Finnish tournaments, that is, did you think that all teams in Finland would be ranked according to this system? If so, then how would the points be rewarded for foreign tournaments and results in there (Millennium/NPPL/Nordic Series)? And your "percentage"-thing, would it count only for the ranking, or did you think that according to your example - DMZ could get a max. of 45 points from a game against team Y - or were the points awarded in uour example only to be used as ranking points?
I'm a bit confused, perhaps we should take a beer in Tampere together and discuss this through in Swedish It's an interesting idea, but sounds confusing right now.
<edit> And the idea mentioned by Iippo is probably this one. </edit>
-- Mankka/Wasted
Tämä on Iipolle (toivottavasti vastaan kysymykseesi)
Eli World seriesissa pisteitä jaetaan seuraavalla tavalla:The W.P.S (World Paintball Series) is a new system that will allow to rank teams worldwide. It\'s pretty much like what is done in tennis: major tournaments are rated and worth a certain amount of points.
This year the tournaments are classified in 3 categories as follow:
Grand Slam tournaments :
Masters :
International tournaments :
A victory in one of the Grand Slam events will be worth -for instance- 200 points, while a victory at one of the Masters will be worth 150 points, or 100 points at an International event.
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +
Grand Slam 200 160 125 95 70 50 35 25 20 20 20
Master 120 95 75 55 40 30 20 15 5 5 5
International 70 55 45 35 25 20 10 5 0 0 0
The best 6 teams results ( or less if the team participated in fewer than 6 events) will be sued to calculate their ranking at the end of the season.
Marshalling points will be taken only once during the season.
This ranking system is not changing the way each tournament is run. The rules may even vary from one event to another.
...Evil is good.
It's Flaymin' baby!
terveisiä: DIMMULLE!!!
Iippo / Los Bastardos
Mankka: I suggest that Millennium points are counted and weighted into the system. But that for the national ranking, tournament wins are not as much rewarded as kicking better teams butts.
The figures mentioned are for demonstrational purpose only
About mixed groups: I suggest the system that was used in last years JoyMasters: As novice, you play 2 AM teams, 1 PRO team and the rest NOV. And similar for the other classes.
We could easily figure out a smart system and implement it in the Nordic countries. And then.. The World..
-- And the beer, that is a good start for any conversation--
Hasse-DMZ kirjoitti 23.05.2002 klo 15:21:10:
Mankka: I suggest that Millennium points are counted and weighted into the system. But that for the national ranking, tournament wins are not as much rewarded as kicking better teams butts. I get it. It still is VERY cumbersome to calculate them based on the result for every game, I would not want to do that. And Iippo just told me that it is a lot easier to kick a better team\'s butt than to win a tourney - I wouldn\'t know that.
About mixed groups: I suggest the system that was used in last years JoyMasters: As novice, you play 2 AM teams, 1 PRO team and the rest NOV. And similar for the other classes.
It has been used in at least one tourney in Finland, and I have to say it is the best system I\'ve ever heard of in tourneys - honestly.
We could easily figure out a smart system and implement it in the Nordic countries. And then.. The World..
Well, the way you suggest it, it would change the way the games are played in the Finnish championships-series. I don\'t say it is bad, in fact, it would be interesting, but for it to go through, some beers have to be drunk, and some time to pass. This would also allow for different fomats (5-man/7-man) in the different tourneys without a problem (meaning that the format could be changed between the tourneys pretty easily).
Difficult... I don\'t know what would be \"the way to go\" (and nor am I to be the one to decide upon these kinds of things).
-- Mankka/Wasted
Feenixin divarissa pelaamisen syy on sama kuin Oulussa, ei ole pelaajia ja on huomattavasti mielekkäämpää pelata kun ei tarvitse stressata mistä puuttuvat pelaajat saa.
Vuodesta -95 alkaen on joukkueesta lähtenyt/lopettanut n. 20 liigapelaajaa, turhauttavaa. Mihin ne kaikki joutuu??
Eikä Lahdesta uusia pelaajia löydy samaan malliin kuin pääkaupunkiseudulta jossa niitä kasvaa puissa.
Feenix eläin Mikko
# High Blue Stairs #
# High Blue Stairs #