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We are organizers of 3st annual tournament Cosmo-Ball XXI - 2005.
Cosmo-Ball XXI - 2005. Indoor. 9-10 april
Holding company “Paintball XXI” together with Playing Centre “Cosmo-Ball XXI” and
The North-West Federation
of Paintball supported by Action Paintball Games
Association (APG), the Russian Paintball Sport
Federation (the RPSF) invite you
to take part in the 3nd annual tournament “Cosmo-Ball Open 2005 ”.
Official name: Cosmo-Ball XXI - 2005.
Date of event: 9-10 April 2004.
Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Venue: to be announced soon.... Indoor field.
Fields: Sup’Air Ball Fields.
Format: 5 players, 2 flags, 5 minutes games.
Rules: Millennium based.
Divisions: Amateurs, Novice and Rookie.
Limit: 40 Teams max., 9 Games each team min.
Entry fee (including free AIR 4000 PSI, marshaling, players party):
Paid before 13.03.2005 Paid 14.02.05- 07.04.05 1. Amateurs 250$ 300$ 2. Novice 200$ 250$ 3. Rookie* 100$ 150$
* - Include rental equipment (paintball marker, mask...) Rookie play only with teams of the
Registration: Paintball XXI
VISA information: Please check if you need Russian Visa.
Paint: Bring Your Own Sponsored Paint to be announced soon....
Marshaling: Buff & Co.
Head Judge: Anton Nadezhdin.
Prizes: cups, medals, prizes of the sponsors.
Players party: in the night club “BarCuk”, free entrance for the participants and the
spectators, 10% discount in the bars and restaurants of the club .
Hotels: Saint-Petersburg
Official website: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
Informational support: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
Estimated schedule:
Before April 7 - applications, fees, recognition of the Rules and Shedule.
April 8 - from 20:00 pm fields open
April 9
9:00 –captains meeting
10:30 – 19:00 – preliminary games
22.00 - Players Party.
April 10
10:00 – 14:00 – preliminary games
14:00 – 18:00 – semi and final games
Phone/fax +7 (812) 5959629 Kristina Sviridova
Phone +7 (812) 9730111 Rinat Gabidoullin
E-mail: Paintball XXI
Rinat Gabidoullin
Henry "Höyry" Kantola
Playball Generation/Paintballcenter/Paintball Areena
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