Et ole kirjautuneena.
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We invite all teams for the first event of the Latvian Paintball League.
It is an opportunity to practice on the full size Millennium INDOOR FIELD with LOW ENTRANCE FEE and compete with high level teams before the first tournament of Millennium series. We promise that the tournament will be at the highest level. Don’t miss the chance!
Date of the tournament:
10 -11.04.2010.
Paintball Club "PTP" + 371 29293392, <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
"PB Parks" Ltd.
Venue of the tournament:
Riga, Paintball Park "Dominante"
INDOOR - full size Millennium field
Millennium 2010
Division 1
X-ball light
3 preliminary games
15 min. Game till 4 points
Division 2
X-ball super light
5 preliminary games
8 min. Game till 2 points
Division 3
5 man paintball
8 preliminary games
Two flags. Game 5 min.
Field layout:
Millennium Malaga.
Entry fee:
1 and 2 divisions - 150 euro
Division 3 - 100 euro
Prizes and Awards:
Medals and cups
Total points will be counted from the scores of all 3 LPL 2010 tournaments.
We are waiting for you at our tournament!
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