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Xmaz Ball NEWS
Alrighty! 30 days to go, so time to send that registration email you forgot to send already last week! This has happened since the previous episode:
We ran out of 6-man cabins today, but we still have a few 8-man cabins (pictured on our web -now with working links). It is possible to sleep two teams in one 8-man cabin if you really want.
About registered teams: A fresh list of registered teams will be available on our webpage. Today we were extremely pleased to receive the registration from team Typhoon from Russia. Welcome guys!
About X-ball: We plan to let the winners in AM meet the Swedish National X-Ball team (including Magued, Alex, Maximus and the others) in an exibition xball game sunday.
we will select an all-star team from the stars of the day to meet Team Sweden. Which one it will be is up to you. LET ME KNOW WHICH YOU PREFER.
99% probability now that we will actually be able to play directly on the slide-friendly, rubber-filled Astroturf! Field will be a fullsize 5-man field.
More news at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> or <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> Or email me.
Laittakaapa tossua toisen eteen muutkin suomalaiset! Mestoille on tulossa jo 13 joukkuetta ja pääsee mättämään ulkomaanpellejä!
Laivamatkat ei maksa kuin muutaman kympin.
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"Jossain lajissa lyödään palloa kepillä, tässä ammutaan, that's it!"
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