Et ole kirjautuneena.
Sivut: 1
Juu, eli siis sähköboksii olisin vailla ja hintaa enintään se 60e. Mielellään Viewloader evolutionII (y-boardilla)mutta muutkin kyllä kelpaa.
Nothing is right in my left brain. Nothing is left in my right brain.
Et tule tohon hintaan ikinä saamaa EVLution II, mutta mä myyn sulle 12v revon sopu hintaan.
Meilaa: [email:9ru2etz0][/email:9ru2etz0]
I feel like shit. Deja Vu!
Iippo / Los Bastardos
Sellaista asiaa kuin y-board ei ole olemassakaan...
It's Flaymin' baby!
juu, on sellanen olemassa ... uct_id=583
(These do contain the new Y-board)
tossa esim tollanen kälynen esimerkki
Nothing is right in my left brain. Nothing is left in my right brain.
No kun itseasiassa ei ole:
Quote:Originally posted by Nathan Greenman B/E - VL tech rep
We are working on implementing x-board technology into the Evolution 2....that still has not happened, and I think that is where the confusion comes in.
The old evo 2 had REWORKED evo 1 boards in them. The new board is the same design less the old on/off (that sucked) and less all the bypass wires (that\'s why you must cut the yellow wire when upgrading to the new board)
Here at Brass Eagle we call that a \"running change\" .....simply put, we try to implement improvements as our production schedule allows and this was a simple case of running out of rework boards....and time to use the new boards...which gave us an oportunity to implement some improvements. We do that all the time, and we can\'t always inform consumers because we don\'t always know when the production schedule will allow it.
Anyway......Paintball Games International was the magazine that dubbed the \"reworked\" board the Y-board and you guys ran with it....THANK YOU.
Honestly, I don\'t think we realized how much of an improvement it was going to be!
Before the end of the year you will be able to get the board with the x-board technology and we will hype that event up for sure, because that bad boy is gonna rip......
Let\'s review what the x-board did for the 12 volt rev.
1. Quicker response
2. Faster feed
3. Longer battery life
4. Sun proof
5. Moisture proof
This new board for the evo II will have all that and more......keep an eye on for more.
eli siis tämä on VL:n edustajalta.
It's Flaymin' baby!
Nothing is right in my left brain. Nothing is left in my right brain.
Luovuta jo Jabba. Maine ja kasvot meni jo.
I feel like shit. Deja Vu!
Iippo / Los Bastardos
Kyllä mulle Damissa myytiin evo2 sillä ns y-boardilla.
Kysyin myyjältä, et onko siinä sellainen ja sano
jotta on. Tiedä sitten...
Karppa - Trivoga
Ou nou!!!
It's Flaymin' baby!
karpuze: ootko tyytyväinen siihen evoon ???
Nothing is right in my left brain. Nothing is left in my right brain.
No vielä en oo kovin paljon ehtiny pelaan sillä, mutta tähän asti oon ollu erittäin tyytyväinen. Vähän hitaampi kuin HALO B, mutta mahtuu enemmän palloa. Pitäs syöttää n.19bps. Patterin luukku on tosin aikas surkea, muuten loistava boksi.
Karppa - Trivoga
Sivut: 1