Et ole kirjautuneena.
Sivut: 1
Millonkas kyseinen pätkä on tulossa?
Yes, we know the truth.The truth is that knowledge is not power- it is the prelude to power. Knowledge lets us see what is really important and, most importantly, how to attain it.
Power is, after all, what really matters. Power is not a means to an end- it is the end. Power is what makes our unlives worth living. Power is what gives the night meaning.
Glory to the House and Clan Tremere.
The End Always Justifies The Means
Mitä hittoa mä säädän, siis 2001 video....
Yes, we know the truth.The truth is that knowledge is not power- it is the prelude to power. Knowledge lets us see what is really important and, most importantly, how to attain it.
Power is, after all, what really matters. Power is not a means to an end- it is the end. Power is what makes our unlives worth living. Power is what gives the night meaning.
Glory to the House and Clan Tremere.
The End Always Justifies The Means
Smyöl... ota vittuun toi sun vampire sheitti tuolta lopusta...
-cK / Flaymin'
cK / Evil-F
(to be announced later...)
Täysin samaa mieltä...
Corni / Voodoo
Matti \'mccorn\' Malkamäki
In search of a new home. (sisäsiisti "vanhankoulun pelaaja)
Yritetty on jo vihjata suoraan, mutta neiti haluaa tuoda LARPpaajat Splatwebiin : )
Sivut: 1