
Suomen paintball-skenen kohtauspaikka

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#26 2002-02-13 09:18:30

Paikkakunnalta: Hankasalmi
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-06
Viestit: 354

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

Ilmeisesti alkaa Maguedin ja muiden ruotsalaisten krapula hellittämään, nyt löytyy jo jotain positiivista...tosin Simon saa suurimmat kiitokset smile ----> http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?i ... icle=15986

Jari Tuukkanen
Viper / PLF ry / Äänekosken Huima
Next-Nature Extreme
SPBL:n hallitus


#27 2002-02-13 09:50:16

Paikkakunnalta: Espoo,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-08
Viestit: 2,168

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

Tässä vastaukseni:

I am very amazed about this whole mess.

It is unbelievable how you accuse me personally and my tournament organizing to be only a huge conspiracy aimed against Sweden.

**"The fins are taking this more seriously then we ever figured."

Yes the teams took it seriously and put in their best play and they won, nothing to do with marshalling.

**"Juice "main organizer of the tournament" was also focused that
the fins would win and did what he could."

What did I do? I would really like to know this? Are you seriously thinking that I did something to make you lose? If that would be possible why on earth I haven’t done it from Finnkampen I ?

**“I know i have support from 90% of the swedish teams so a good idé is not to argue.”

If this is really true, I am very sad to hear that 14 Swedish teams are thinking that I am the person who made them lose their games. I would appreciate if all these 14 teams could send their own opinions to me or to this board, please.

**“1. Did finnish teams train on the field before the tournament?”

No they did not, on Friday Paintball Games Finland organized a 3-man tournament and 9 teams participated in it. The tournament was open for everyone including Swedish teams. It was no secret, and there were total of 11 guys who also played in Finnkampen, so they must have been very good since they won whole Sweden.
To remind you, every time before Finnkampen has been played in indoor arenas that Finnish players have used for months before the tournament.

**“2. Was there any marshals from participating teams on the field when their teams played?”

Yes there was and have always been in Finnkampen history. Why? Because they were the best there is, and I wanted to give all teams the best marshalling I could get. There were also 3-4 Swedish marshals on the field at all times.

**“3. why was the 1-4-1 rule almost only used on swedish teams.”

Define “almost only”, I cannot comment on this, maybe Simon can answer.

**“4. How did the seeding from the prelimenary games to the semifinal worked?(the 2 teams who had the most points faced eachother, they happened to be swedish)”

I had done the seeding before I got the division cut from Simon. It was ready all that time, maybe you should have asked for it…

**“5. Do you think its ok that marshalls hug eachother before the game isn't even over? is it acceptable to have biased marshals.”

Marshals hugged each other after everything was clear, the game was “over”. If we really try to remember the atmosphere on field after that game it’s understandable to make this mistake, which however doesn’t mean that marshals were biased.
And NO it is NOT acceptable to have biased marshals; there was NONE in Finnkampen.

**“6. What happened when camp tigers lost?, the version i got from the swedish marshals was that Greg wanted a paintcheck and was cleared, and was taken out 2 seconds later by the same marshal becouse he had a hit. he also recived a 1-4-1 and the finnish team won.”

I don’t know, ask from the marshals who were there.

**“7. Will you have finnish marshals next year aswell?(if the answer is yes then you can forget about the swedish teams.”

Most likely some yes, although there will be some changes as we evolve and grow.

**“If the answers are not satisfying i will take diciplinary actions against certain teams/persons. this will include Joy masters and possible Millenium series “

You have blamed me personally so lets keep it that way, and if you still want to take any actions against me, feel free to do so.

I have to say that I really didn’t see this coming. Not after you smiled and shook my hand and congratulated on job well done. Now I feel a knife on my back, hopefully the wound will heal before next time.

Yours truly,

Jani “Juice” Leskinen
The Finnish organizer

Suomen Paintball Liitto ry
Sponsored by: SISSOS* Paintball Bunkkeri*PLANET ECLIPSE, GEO
"Jossain lajissa lyödään palloa kepillä, tässä ammutaan, that's it!"


#28 2002-02-13 10:18:36

Paikkakunnalta: Es-påå
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-07
Viestit: 303

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

Tuli muuten tunteitaan ilmaisevista suomalaistuomareista mieleen se yksi ruotsalainen tuomari joka juoksi ainakin pari kertaa ruotsilipun kanssa yleisön edessä ja sanoi ainakin kerran jotain tyyliin "Suomi suger"...

-- Mankka/Wasted

In stereophonic sound, where available.


#29 2002-02-13 10:31:33

Paikkakunnalta: Espoo
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-06
Viestit: 1,350

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

mun mielestä se ikäänkuin "kuului" siihen maaotteluun...
ainahan se tollasta on.

toisaalta sen pohjalta maggotin on turha alkaa puhumaan tuomareiden puolueettomuudesta.jos suomen dumat hali toisiaan ja se ruotsin duma kekkuloi kentällä sen lipun kanssa, ni se vetää puntit mun mielestä aika tasan, eli se siitä puolueettomuudesta.

ihan sama, mitä välii sillä enää on...

täs nyt on ollu vähän kaikenlaista...


#30 2002-02-13 18:32:23

Paikkakunnalta: Helsinki, Suomi
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-11-24
Viestit: 494

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

My comment I guess is needed

Well (guess what) dint read all the threads. I was playing in the 3 man tournament and saw the first day of the Fincampen. Swedes got their asses whopped except Lalle of course who was the best player. This whole thing has to do something with the whole conspiracy that is going on with the paintball companies how will paintball companies get players to buy the most amount of paint in the long run. I bet the conspiritors have a model that will tell exactly how much paint will be sold at a given time the function being PB players, tournaments, whos winning and whos not, oh yeah and whose cool and whose stupid. THats why the result was what it was.

By the way I got kikked out of the 3man because I shot NATO in the back and of course I was too wasted to play  PB.

FUCK all u all and I thaught that I wass stupid

really guys really,,,



Patrik Louko
FXL Commissioner
Puh: 0440866366


#31 2002-02-13 18:43:10

Paikkakunnalta: pääkaupunki, helsinki
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-08
Viestit: 265

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

onneksi meidän ei ole pakko pelata.. ollaan fiksuja ja poistutaan rakkaan lajimme parista. KIITOS. mut jooo... kyllä se tomhawkkikin toimi ihan jees ja sä olisit oikeasti yksi parhaista jos sua ei vaan kokoajan kusetettaisi. kateus ja ylimielisyys ovat ihania luonteenpiirteitä...

luulin kerran olleeni oikeassa mutta erehdyin



#32 2002-02-13 19:40:27

Paikkakunnalta: Espoo
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-06
Viestit: 1,350

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

mitä sä lokko taas vaahtoot.kyllä me kaikki tiedetään että sä oot ihan paska kentällä,ethän sä osaa edes kusettaa oikein!eikä sun katu-uskottavuus kasva yhtään vaikka sä kiukutteletkin eurotyyliin ampumalla dumaa selkään.(kännissä...doh! yks kalja!)

sit ku arvostusta ei tuu kotimaassa ni onkin helppo dumaa koko suomen skene...

täs nyt on ollu vähän kaikenlaista...


#33 2002-02-14 08:34:22

Paikkakunnalta: Helsinki,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-10
Viestit: 1,549

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

Ei päivää. SALALIITTO! Empä tajunnutkaan aikasemmin, mutta se luultavimmin johtuu tästä tyhmyysimplantista, jotka miehet mustissaan aikoinaan asensi mun vasempaan kivekseeni.
(ja yks niistä muistutti epäilyttävästi clinttiä).

Voiko keskustelua johtaa enää enempää harhaan....


#34 2002-02-14 09:00:08

Paikkakunnalta: ,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2002-01-15
Viestit: 3

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

Locco sulla valuu aika pahasti!


#35 2002-02-14 12:15:48

Paikkakunnalta: Helsinki,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2002-02-10
Viestit: 12

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

It's not a conspiracy, its called "marketing strategy".

jokke / Flaymin' In Your Face


#36 2002-02-14 12:23:41

Paikkakunnalta: ,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2002-01-12
Viestit: 67

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista



#37 2002-02-14 16:50:08

Paikkakunnalta: ,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2002-02-14
Viestit: 1

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista


I think you shouldnt be so amezed about this mess, beacuse you made it. And the problem is that you didnt do it good.

**"What did I do? I would really like to know this? Are you seriously thinking that I did something to make you lose? If that would be possible why on earth I haven’t done it from Finnkampen I ?"

You dont get it do you?
You had the training or 3.-man or whatever you want to call it prior to the event. You were standing on the sidline cheering "your team" when they drawed against Joy2.
You hired the reffs that came from participating teams.
You made this bed buddy and you are responsible for it.

The swedish teams dont think you made them lose the games, but alot of teams think that the reffs that you hired made them lose very imortant games.
The Swedish teams dont think it was fair that they couldnt play prior to the event like some finnish teams did.
And the Swedish teams didnt like to see reffs and you cheer when they lost games to finnish teams.
And dont doubt that I have the support from the swedish teams, I do.

**"No they did not, on Friday Paintball Games Finland organized a 3-man tournament and 9 teams participated in it. The tournament was open for everyone including Swedish teams. It was no secret"

Juice? They did not? so a 3-man tournament is not practice?
But then you say the something very strange. That the 3-man was open to everybody! Okey tell me witch teams did get that information from you? Or I make it simple for you. Show me where on the internet that you gave that information prior to the 3-man. A easy way to show your right.

Marshalls from participating teams.
Tell me any other event that have team members reffing there own teams. If this was done before at Finnkampen then it was wrong to. But if you had for some reason use reffs from participating teams shouldnt be a order like "dont huge and give hi fives when your team win" ?? Or replace team reffs when the team play??

About the seedings. I did ask about it on saturday but I think I forgot to get it beacuse it was this situation with TnT-Camp when we where about to leave.
It Doesnt matter all I ask for is that I get it now so I can check out what system you used as i find it strange that no:1 and no:2 scooring teams ended up in the same division.

**"Marshals hugged each other after everything was clear, the game was “over”. If we really try to remember the atmosphere on field after that game it’s understandable to make this mistake, which however doesn’t mean that marshals were biased."

Juice its never okey that the marhalls huge each other..period! If they do they are baised, its as simple as that. And its also very stupid beacuse whatever happend then the loosing team will THINK that they have been cheated. I cant understand that you dont see that?

About the marhalls next year I think Simon already answered that.

Juice i have talked to at least 6 different Finish teams about this mess. What pisses me of that the mistakes that was made is ignored. That means that they will not be fixed and that is not acceptable.

This is not my personal problem as we lost 1 game to takeover and they didnt do anything wrong. I know beacuse we had the our other team wathing the game and all the calls was good.
I also want to stress that takeover and Cyclone and the other teams that made the finals is not to blame. Im not accusing them for anything.

the problem is that

1. You had a event prior to the finnkampen
( all is good when we see that you actuelly invited or informed teams about it)
2. You had reffs from teams playing
3. The reffs did not respect the swedish teams.

**"I have to say that I really didn’t see this coming. Not after you smiled and shook my hand and congratulated on job well done. Now I feel a knife on my back, hopefully the wound will heal before next time."

First of all i didnt want to start this discussion when we had alot of people outside the sport wathing the price cermony. Secondly almost all information about reffs, practice etc I heard after all was over.

Now its up to you to restore your trust with the swedish teams. What you and me think about each other is not important at all.

Magued Idris


#38 2002-02-14 21:08:00

Paikkakunnalta: ,
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-07
Viestit: 76

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

Miten sä pati oot taas noin jumalattoman irti?
Takko, mun päivä on pilalla.
Ihan paska juttu toi yllä oleva teksti.




#39 2002-02-14 21:16:29

Paikkakunnalta: Espoo
Rekisteröitynyt: 2001-10-06
Viestit: 1,350

Re: Avoin kirje Rush Hourin disc.forumista

miksei kaikki voi taas olla vaan kavereita keskenään.
pati on must vitun international.

täs nyt on ollu vähän kaikenlaista...


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