
Suomen paintball-skenen kohtauspaikka

Et ole kirjautuneena.

#1 2004-11-25 21:19:28

Paikkakunnalta: Porvoo, suomi/Finland???
Rekisteröitynyt: 2003-01-28
Viestit: 374

Re: Sekä bändi turneeseen.

ELikkä, olisko joillakin kiinnostusta lähtee pelaamaa tuonne
No 2 Snow turnaukseen?(tukholma).

Lähinnä ajattelin tuota 18.12-04 järjestettävää kierrosta.

No 2 Snow 04/05 info
 18 december,29th of January, 26th of march.
 5 man event
 5 man sup air field with impact mats
 20 lag. Max only 11 place left (very popular event for wipers 
 2000 sek per event or only 5000:- for all 3 events “cheap as chips”
 Price includes a 7 match guarantee, 4500 psi air fill all the time.
 Teams who book for all 3 get Free Reball bootcamp training during the event.
 Division 1 (1 pro player) Division 2 (2 pro players) och Ren Rookie (no pro players)

 Sponsor paint only event, just now its Tomahawk, Psycho and Draxxus, more to come maybe !!!!
 Trade Stands from Hypersports and Sissos with special No 2 snow discount offers
 First place Divsion 1 Angel speed 05, 1st prize div 2 Ton Ton Impulse and first place div 3 presentkort worth 5000:- sek
 No shitty Food on sale visit the South American Cafe with delicious food
 Simonsez soft and easy ruling (he makes it up as he goes along)
 Top Pro Friendly refs !!!! no nazi refs allowed., Head ref Pappa “cool running” Johan
 Teams from Finland and Norway and Germany booked in.

 Players party with cheap beer and booze and male strippers after every event
 Free overnight Accommodation
 City paintball is a stone cast away from the hottest clubs and chicks in Stockholm.
 Sponsors Hypersports, CMC MAX, WDP, Sissos and City paintball, more sponsors welcome
 No 2 Snow is a strictly just for fun event !!!! no politics or bullshit just a pure kicking paintball event.

For more info Contact Pappa J on 070 4019878 or mail <!-- e --><a href="mailto:real_boss@hotmail.com">real_boss@hotmail.com</a><!-- e --> or info at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:info@hypersports.nu">info@hypersports.nu</a><!-- e -->

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