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ELikkä, olisko joillakin kiinnostusta lähtee pelaamaa tuonne
No 2 Snow turnaukseen?(tukholma).
Lähinnä ajattelin tuota 18.12-04 järjestettävää kierrosta.
No 2 Snow 04/05 info
18 december,29th of January, 26th of march.
5 man event
5 man sup air field with impact mats
20 lag. Max only 11 place left (very popular event for wipers
2000 sek per event or only 5000:- for all 3 events “cheap as chips”
Price includes a 7 match guarantee, 4500 psi air fill all the time.
Teams who book for all 3 get Free Reball bootcamp training during the event.
Division 1 (1 pro player) Division 2 (2 pro players) och Ren Rookie (no pro players)
Sponsor paint only event, just now its Tomahawk, Psycho and Draxxus, more to come maybe !!!!
Trade Stands from Hypersports and Sissos with special No 2 snow discount offers
First place Divsion 1 Angel speed 05, 1st prize div 2 Ton Ton Impulse and first place div 3 presentkort worth 5000:- sek
No shitty Food on sale visit the South American Cafe with delicious food
Simonsez soft and easy ruling (he makes it up as he goes along)
Top Pro Friendly refs !!!! no nazi refs allowed., Head ref Pappa “cool running” Johan
Teams from Finland and Norway and Germany booked in.
Players party with cheap beer and booze and male strippers after every event
Free overnight Accommodation
City paintball is a stone cast away from the hottest clubs and chicks in Stockholm.
Sponsors Hypersports, CMC MAX, WDP, Sissos and City paintball, more sponsors welcome
No 2 Snow is a strictly just for fun event !!!! no politics or bullshit just a pure kicking paintball event.
For more info Contact Pappa J on 070 4019878 or mail <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> or info at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
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