PTP yhdessä Instinct Gemoss Liepajan kanssa järjestää kolme kierroksisen X-Ball-talvisarjan
Riikassa Paintball Arenassa tänä talvena. Kuten aikaisempinakin vuosina turnaukset tullaan
järjestämään huippu laadukkaissa puitteissa. Ensimmäinen kierros pelataan 29.11. tänä vuonna
ja kaksi seuraavaa 31.1. ja 7.3.2009. Draxxus Winter Cupin palkintopotissa on kolmen tuhannen
euron arvosta lahjakortteja.

Suomesta turnaussarjaan on osallistumassa ainakin Urho osallistumalla yhdellä joukkueella koko turnaussarjaan ja mahdollisesti yksittäisille kierroksille toisella joukkueella.

Turnauksen tarkemmat tiedot:

  • Three events Series:
    • 1 stage — 29.11.2008.
    • 2 stage — 31.01.2009.
    • 3 stage — 07.03.2009.
  • Place: Latvia, Riga, Paintball Arena, Maskavas 444c
  • Format: 4 х 4 X-ball light with 10 minutes of game time till 3 points.
  • Categories: Division 1, Division 2 (Divisions 1 and 2 can will play minimum one cross game.)
  • Teams limit: 20 teams in both divisions
  • Field size:
    • 20 х40 m. (with ”X” in the center)
    • Pit-zones are from both sides of a field.
    • ”Coaching” are resolved from pit zone and one side of a field.
    • All events will have digital X-Ball board
  • Entrance fee (for all Divisions): 180 euro for each event or 450 euro for all Series. Registration will end one week before each event.
  • Late registration: + 50 euro
    • Send registration free form on an e-mail: events [at] paintballer . lv
    • Final registration only after entrance fee payment.
  • Refereeing: EUROREF, the main judge will be invited from none Baltic region.
  • Rules: based on Millennium of 2008 rulebook.
  • Paint: Only from organizers and sponsors of Series Draхxus
    • DXS Bonze — 36 Euro
    • DXS Silver — 38 Euro
    • DXS Gold — 40 Euro
  • Prizes: Winners of each stage are awarded by medals. Series Winners awarded by Cup and vouchers from sponsors:
    • Division 1.
      • 1 place — 800Euro
      • 2 place — 600Euro
      • 3 place — 400Euro
    • Division 2.
      • 1 place — 600Euro
      • 2 place — 400Euro
      • 3 place — 200Euro
  • Hotels: the Hotel is reserved by organizers of a Series. Organizers will provide in case of need a free transfer from hotel offered by organizers. Approximate cost of hotel: From 25 to 35 Euros for the person.

Event No.1 schedule:

  • November, 28th 21:00 – the Field is opened all   players.
  • November, 29th 09:00 – 19:00 – Preliminary games for both divisions
  • 19:00 – 21:00 – Semifinal and Final
  • 23:00 – Players party (the Place will be separately announced)
  • Series Sponsors: Draxxus, Sissos, PB Parks (”Peintbols Tev” shop)

Contact: Paintball Club ”PTP”
Address: Vairoga 6, Riga, Latvia
Tel/faks +37167436000
Mob. Tel. +37129293392 (Uldis Berzins)
e-mail:  events [at]
Series Official website:
